
After the night.

Eve was surprised to find A breaking up with her didn't leave her as sad as she initially thought it would,perhaps she had sub-consciously known it wasn't going to last,she found herself somewhat glad that it was over.

On reaching home,she had ran herself a hot bath with a dash of vanilla flavoured oils,some salts,lit a few candles and continued to relax herself with some wine.
Later her housemate - Angel,had brought home more alcohol and weed,and over great conversation with her house mate's two other friends,they had gone on to knock themselves out.Throwing the complex into a riot as they sang,laughed and got high late into the night.
A few other friends had come over too,courtesy of Angel,who couldn't be trusted with a secret,especially that of a house party-even one which hadn't begun yet.
She remembered telling stories of lesbian sex and if it is any better than straight sex to a very rapt audience,Angel and her friends being as straight as rulers found the whole concept unimaginable, she remembered kissing several people aswell over spin the bottle,giggling endlessly and having more fun than she had in a very long time.

She suspected after she got time to digest everything,she would feel sad eventually,A had been a hot girl afterall,they had had some great moments,and ofcourse the sex had been mind blowing,but eve wasn't one to get stuck in the past,life did go on and hers had definitely not ended yet.

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